Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Well, I'm back home.

I didn't really have enough time to do all that much, but I did get to accomplish something I've failed to do on all the other trips to Austin and while I lived there - I found Stevie Ray Vaughn...his memorial anyway.

Two things struck me while I was there.

1 - This is the last trip I'm going to take without a kid. Next time we go anywhere, we'll be parents. Not that it's a bad thing, it'll just be different. Actually, I guess it'll be a long time before we go on a trip again period. That doesn't bother me, I found this trip to be too much like evacuating from Katrina. That kinda made me lose my taste for travel.

2 - Texas isn't as gun friendly as Louisiana. Well, Austin isn't. Open carry is legal here, but not in Texas. I saw more signs concerning the possession of concealed firearms in one weekend than the last 6 months here at home.

I did my research before I left on Texas' concealed handgun laws. I found out about their "30.06" signage (No guns allowed) and about their "51%" signage (51% of this estabilshment's income comes from alcohol sales so no guns allowed). Jesus, these signs were everywhere!

Viva la Louisiana!


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