Sunday, April 23, 2006

Range report time.

Today we shot the normal stuff in new ways and with afew excptions.

We've taken to skipping the pistol range totally and just shooting our handguns on the pistol range. It's been fun. I actually can hit a 10" gong at 100 yards with my Makarov. Albeit not as often as I can with the model 29 (which can blow your head clean off - I love saying that), but I can do it. I've gotten a brass catcher so I can save all my Mak brass so I can reload it. I'm just starting to reload, 9x18's as good a place as any. I'm hoping to get a target revolver really soon. Something with a 6"-8" barrel in .38/.357. Then I'll not need that brass catcher to get all my brass.

Anyway, somehow the grip screw on my Mak has stripped out and won't stay in. So I switched back to the "commie" grips. I really don't know why I switched them out in the first place.

So today at the range they had this guy out there with this big mo-fro:

It's a Barrett's .50 BMG. It should be BMF for "Big Mother Fucker". That shit was huge! It weighed about 40 pounds and was almost as long as one of the bench rests on the rifle range. The concussion from this thing was so fierce, we were standing about 15'-20' away and when he'd shoot, it'd make the hairs on my arm move as if I'd been passed by a truck while walking on the highway. That's some serious shit.

Anyway, the one he had was the military version and he'd been on a waiting list for 15 years. He said it cost him $10,000. I just want to say that again, cost him $10,000! Jesus.

For those who don't know/aren't familiar with the .50 BMG, here's a visual. He gave me a spent case and I'll put it here for comparison with a spent 7.62x39 case. Now the 7.62x39 (again, for those who don't know/aren't familiar) is perhaps the most common millitary round on the planet. It's used in the SKS and the Ak-47, just to name afew. It's considered a "medium" power cartridge, but keep in mind that many-a wars were fought and won with this "medium powered" bullet. For reference, the length of a 7.62x39 case is 1 1/2" on the nose.

Now that's fucking big!

The other highlight of the day was that I ran into my Uncle John (Married to my Father's Sister, June), whom I haven't seen in about 15 years. Also turns out that he works with the D-Day museum in New Orleans doing demontrations and displays and such. He also had this with him:

Again, for those who don't know/aren't familiar, this is a millitary issue - full auto - Thompson Sub-Machinegun. I just want to say that again - FULL AUTO! That some serious fucking ordanance.

And I got to shoot it.

Thanks I have to have one!

Nothin' says lovin' like 20 rounds of .45acp!


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