The first time I tried to do this entry, my computer crashed when I was almost finished. Here goes nothing.
Range Report (again)
Yesterday (sunday) I went out to the Honey Island Swamp Shooting Range with my stepdad. All together we went through 200 rounds of .44 Magnum, 700 rounds of .22lr, and 100 rounds of 9x18 Makarov.
Hi Standard

This is the first pistol my Stepdad ever bought. It's older than I am, but it shoots like the day it was made. If it's like all of the other guns my stepdad owns it had thousands upon thousands of rounds through it. The one it the picture is a little different than his. His has a different counterweight on it. It shoots so smooth, with very little recoil. It feels very natural in my hand. It improved my shooting just by shooting it.
Phoenix Arms HP-22

Coincidentally, this is the first pistol I ever purchased. I got it for a song. It's a great, cheap little plinker. It's alittle picky about ammo; it like CCI over everthing else. I've put about 1000 rounds of CCI through it without one misfire or jam of any kind. It's my "sometimes" carry piece. I'm confident carrying it because I know it'll go bang when I want it to but I don't carry it all the time because I'm not confident that the .22lr will stop what I make it go bang at. It's just so damn small that I can't resist dropping it in my pocket sometimes.
Bulgarian Makarov

I love this gun! It's my main carry piece. It feels good in my hand and good on the hip. At the range they have these steel targets that are 25 yards out. They're the kind that fall down when you hit them and you reset them by pulling a rope that's attached. On my first magazine at those targets, I knocked down 5 with 8 rounds. In my estimation that's not to shabby, 5 hits on a 10" steel target at 25 yards from a compact combat pistol using a two-handed modified weaver stance - and semi-rapid fire. It leaves plenty of room for improvement, but in a self-defense situation I feel very confident that I could keep all my shots centered on a bad guy's chest. The range officer that day told me that he sees people all the time who shoot 50 rounds of ammo at those same steel targets and not hit them once. Now that's pathetic!
Smith&Wesson Model 29

This was also "Dirty Harry's" gun. My Stepdad bought this gun in 1979, making it one year younger than I am. He reloads for this gun, making more target pressure loads than magnum loads. He says that he's put around 100,000 rounds through this gun over the years. If he did, it doesn't show. This thing is a blast to shoot (no pun intended). You can really tell the difference in recoil from the magnum loads and the target loads he makes. Even so, that bastard kicks like a mule! It is really accurate as well. It takes some getting used to, but after that...go ahead, make my day!
That was that day at the range. I brought my SKS but I didn't get a chance to shoot it. Next time I'll make sure to put some rounds through it and write about it. We're going to try to go every other week, but it'll most likely be more like once a month.
Range Report (again)
Yesterday (sunday) I went out to the Honey Island Swamp Shooting Range with my stepdad. All together we went through 200 rounds of .44 Magnum, 700 rounds of .22lr, and 100 rounds of 9x18 Makarov.
Hi Standard

This is the first pistol my Stepdad ever bought. It's older than I am, but it shoots like the day it was made. If it's like all of the other guns my stepdad owns it had thousands upon thousands of rounds through it. The one it the picture is a little different than his. His has a different counterweight on it. It shoots so smooth, with very little recoil. It feels very natural in my hand. It improved my shooting just by shooting it.
Phoenix Arms HP-22

Coincidentally, this is the first pistol I ever purchased. I got it for a song. It's a great, cheap little plinker. It's alittle picky about ammo; it like CCI over everthing else. I've put about 1000 rounds of CCI through it without one misfire or jam of any kind. It's my "sometimes" carry piece. I'm confident carrying it because I know it'll go bang when I want it to but I don't carry it all the time because I'm not confident that the .22lr will stop what I make it go bang at. It's just so damn small that I can't resist dropping it in my pocket sometimes.
Bulgarian Makarov

I love this gun! It's my main carry piece. It feels good in my hand and good on the hip. At the range they have these steel targets that are 25 yards out. They're the kind that fall down when you hit them and you reset them by pulling a rope that's attached. On my first magazine at those targets, I knocked down 5 with 8 rounds. In my estimation that's not to shabby, 5 hits on a 10" steel target at 25 yards from a compact combat pistol using a two-handed modified weaver stance - and semi-rapid fire. It leaves plenty of room for improvement, but in a self-defense situation I feel very confident that I could keep all my shots centered on a bad guy's chest. The range officer that day told me that he sees people all the time who shoot 50 rounds of ammo at those same steel targets and not hit them once. Now that's pathetic!
Smith&Wesson Model 29

This was also "Dirty Harry's" gun. My Stepdad bought this gun in 1979, making it one year younger than I am. He reloads for this gun, making more target pressure loads than magnum loads. He says that he's put around 100,000 rounds through this gun over the years. If he did, it doesn't show. This thing is a blast to shoot (no pun intended). You can really tell the difference in recoil from the magnum loads and the target loads he makes. Even so, that bastard kicks like a mule! It is really accurate as well. It takes some getting used to, but after that...go ahead, make my day!
That was that day at the range. I brought my SKS but I didn't get a chance to shoot it. Next time I'll make sure to put some rounds through it and write about it. We're going to try to go every other week, but it'll most likely be more like once a month.
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