Friday, April 28, 2006

Without due respect - Sen. Lieberman, go fuck yourself.

Not that I totally disagree with what those two shitholes came up with in their "investigation" into the government response to Katrina, it's just that it pisses me off that two Yankees think they can come along and pass judgment on what went on down here.

I'm not a Nagin-Lover, but I do think that the man did the best he could in that position. I couldn't have done any better. It's really easy to come along and say "He should'a done this before the storm, he should'a done that..." but when it comes down to it, pre-planning for a hurricane that may or may not come wasn't as important as fighting the corruption in city government and trying to do something about the enormous murder rate. Hindsight is always 20/20. There are things he could have done differently directly before the storm. He could have stocked the Superdome with more supplies. He could have tried a little harder to bus people out.

But there are problems with that.

The supplies in the Superdome were sufficient for what usually goes on during a hurricane down here - they were in place to last two or three days. That's how long we usually have to be evacuated. No one expected the levees to break to the extent they did in the city of New Orleans. And as for busing people out, most of the people stayed as a choice, not because they had no way out. Granted, there were people who had no choice but to stay. Mainly the elderly and infirm. Those are the people I feel for most out of all of this. Able-bodied people stayed because they didn't want to leave their houses and some stayed for the purpose of looting. So even if Nagin got all the buses in the city to go around picking people up, I doubt he would have filled them up. It's an attitude down here. It's the "you can't make me". They bought their tickets, they took their chances. I'm not trying to sound cold, I'm just laying out some facts.

No one ever seems to mention that Nagin was the first mayor ever to call a mandatory evacuation for the City of New Orleans. Ever. He also got the most people ever (%60) to evacuate. Ever. If the levee's would not have broken, we would right now all be bitching about the normal stuff (The Trinity - the Saints, the heat, and gas prices). Nagin would've gone down in history as one of the greatest mayors in this city's history.

Not too many people seem to want to blame the people who were really responsible for the levee problems - the Morial family and all of the past mayors that have swindled the City of New Orleans out of it's future by stealing and squandering the money that was supposed to be used to upkeep our levees. They're the scumbags who really fucked us.


Blogger Xavier said...

Well said Sterno! I'm not a Nagin fan by any stretch, but truth is truth and bullshit is bullshit.

9:32 AM  

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