Friday, February 17, 2006

We got our first ultrasound look at the kid yesterday. I say "the kid" because we weren't able to tell if it was a boy or a girl because it was squirming around too much. The ultrasound tech held the image for a minute and boy was that little booger movin'! She said everything looked good and that it had long legs. I'm hoping that the next ultrasound (maybe in about a month) it'll be more cooperative and stay still.

Friday, February 10, 2006

We've been working on our DVD. We recorded some audio commentaries and we're working to finish the menus. There's going to be a bunch of extras on it like some of the footage that didn't make it into the films and a Robert Rodriguez style "10 minute film school" where we show how we did all of our trick shots and pulled together all of the footage and audio to make a complete film. It'll be neato...

Random art print for today.

Friday, February 03, 2006

I started working at the bookstore again. It sucks but it does suck less than it did before. The work environment is infinatly better but I hate having to be on my feet all day. At least I won't have to run a cash register. That's one of the few things I flat out refuse to do.

On my first day back they asked me to break up some old bookshelves.



Sledgehammers are really fun.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So I've finally got the ball rolling on starting my own webdesign firm. The kid coming and the prospect of going back to the bookstore (I start today, just three days a week) was just the kick in the ass I needed to get going. Justin and I are going to partner up in this. I think it'll be slow at first but it'll grow exponentially because word of mouth is the best advertising. Once we do afew, they'll tell some people and those people will tell some people - creating a snowball effect. It'll be called BayouTech Web Services and here's a link to the website. It's not up yet but I plan to have it up by the end of next week.

I really want to buy a new camera. We're looking at a used Cannon XL1s. I've seen them around for about $2000-$3000. Hopefully we can make much cash with this webdesign thing and buy it soon.

Random pic for today.