Sunday, June 11, 2006

Range Report 6-11-06

There are two things I hate most about public ranges, Range Nazi's and Mall Ninjas, and today I was plauged by both.

First, the Range Nazi. The Range Nazi is a range officer who is just a plain pain in the ass. He's not really interested in safety, he's only interested in having the range under control... his control. The range I go to I've only found one Range Nazi and we crapped out and got him today.

Everytime this bastard passed me, he had to chime in about something I was doing wrong. Now, I'm a stickler for gun safety, but this guy was being rediculious! He was giving me a hard time about resting my revolver on the bench while I was loading the cylinders. "What if you have an accidental discharge?!" he asked. First off, there is no such thing as an "accidental discharge". If a gun goes off when you didn't mean it to, it's negligent. Secondly, how is a revolver going to fire if the cylinder is open? That'd be the neatest trick of the week.

I know that the range officers need to treat people abit like they're idiots, well, because most of them are. But this guy was just trying to be an asshole. Two or three times he decided to sweep by my feet while I was shooting! While I was shooting! I've got the gun in my hand, bellied up to the firing line, taking careful aim, and this fucker starts hitting me in the feet with a broom!

Next time I see him, I'm going to the pistol range. What an asshole.

Speaking of assholes, we had a pair of Mall Ninja's camp out next to us for awhile. I really hate Mall Ninjas. They we're obviously the type that they wanted to be in the millitary or be a cop but lack the testicular fortitude to actually join. The brought their AR-15 with the forward pistol grip and the Ak with the collapsable stock and rail system. One even mentioned how he wished he'd have brought his Glock.

The main thing these two did to piss me off was keep shooting at the gongs in our lane when they shot theirs down. One of them was trying to sight in the scope on his Ak-47. It looked like he spent more money on the crap he had attached to that gun than he spent on the actual gun
(too bad he didn't spend that money on ammo and range time because he needed the practice).

So they shoot down all of the gongs on our end of the range (including ours) so we have to wait until the Range Nazi finds it convienient for him to call range cold. The Mall Ninja's move not a muscle to set the gongs back up. We go out and set them all back up, even theirs. On the way back we see them huddled over our bench looking at what we've got. They don't look impressed. We've only got revolvers and a .22lr pistol. Don't we know that the .22 is a useless round?

The one with the scraggly goatee seems to be upset when he has trouble hitting the gong with 30 rounds when we hit it every third shot with our very un-tactical six shot revolvers. They proceed to shoot down their gongs, then shoot at ours again. This time they managed to knock ours so that it was tangled in the bungee cords, made a 90 degree turn, and is on it's edge.

They stop shooting at it because there's no way in hell that they can hit it.

My Stepdad tries to right it with his .22lr pistol, hits it afew times, but the .22 just isn't enough to budge it. Now I'm pissed off. I get the 7mm Magnum we brought and pull up a bench rest. With one shot, I nailed it, took off a big chunk, and righted it.

The Mall Ninja's packed up and left right after that. Good riddance.

All in all it wasn't the best range trip I've had but it wasn't all that bad. I did alittle shooting with that 7mm Mag. Other than the recoil, I really like that gun. It's got a beautiful walnut stock that has an unusual amout of burling in it and a really deep, rich brown color. It shimmers in the sun. It's lovely.

I also had another piece of brass stick in some wood. .22lr this time. I also noticed today that for such a small round with so little powder, .22 brass stays hot for a long time...


Blogger Ghost Writer in Disguise said...

Hello. Found my way hither from Xavierthoughts. I too am well acquainted with range nazis. In fact, I'm shopping around - without success - for a new place to shoot since I've pretty well had it with the one where I'd been going since the middle Permian. This new ( but old ) pinhead demanded that I unload my AR-15 just to scoot a couple of feet to look thru my spotting scope while the line was hot. That, plus he said he was going to start making people unload their magazines to prove they had no FMJ. Well, I've seen a lot of them come and go but it's a pain inna butt to wait. I'll shoot somewhere next week even if I have to make that 200+ mile round trip to a country range where there's never been a range official and I can be pretty sure of having it all to myself.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Howie Feltersnatch said...

Whenever I encounter a mall ninja I try to get them talking about "tactical" stuff. Then when I talk to my army buddies we share mall ninja stories and have a at the nonsense they spew.

This is my first time reading your blog so I have to ask, why are you not a fan of pistol grips on AR15s, folding stocks on AKs, or glocks? From what I've skimmed so far, I can only assume that you prefer older, more obscure firearms, in original condition. Amiright?

1:46 PM  
Blogger Howie Feltersnatch said...

Whenever I encounter a mall ninja I try to get them talking about "tactical" stuff. Then when I talk to my army buddies we share mall ninja stories and have a at the nonsense they spew.

This is my first time reading your blog so I have to ask, why are you not a fan of pistol grips on AR15s, folding stocks on AKs, or glocks? From what I've skimmed so far, I can only assume that you prefer older, more obscure firearms, in original condition. Amiright?

1:47 PM  

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