Saturday, April 29, 2006

So now that I've had my fun just throwing lead downrange with my SKS, I'm ready to try and maximize it's accuracy.

I'm really curious as to how accurate I can get this little booger. I've read that, on average, the SKS can achieve 2" - 4" groups at 100 yards with iron sights. Figuring that I shoot at a 10" gong at 100 yards, 2" - 4" groups is close enough for rock and roll. I've tried to adjust the iron sights, and I've got it tighter, but still way off. So I've got a new plan of attack:

First thing I need to do is start feeding her better ammo. But I tell ya', it's gonna be hard giving up the cheap stuff...

Second thing will be to get a scope mount. I mainly want to be able to use it figure out where I'm hitting. I know I could use a spotting scope, but I can get a kit with a scope, scope mount, some sort of amber doo-hickey, 10 stripper clips, a gas port cleaning tool, and a SKS manual for about $50 (after shipping).

If all of that fails, I'm going to get a new stock. I'd like to keep this rifle all original, but I'd like to have a slightly modified yet pretty accurate rifle more than I'd like to have an all original 59/66 that shoots like shit. The price we pay...

Anyway, tune in later for the next exciting installment of the "What Marx Does to His SKS" show. Hopefully the next installment will be really soon, but I need to buy all the parts and in order to do that I need to do some more website work. It's like that old commercial about cocaine, but with ammo and gun parts...

"I shoot so I can handle the stress of more work, so I can do more work, so I can shoot more so I can handle the stress of more work, so I can do more work, so I can shoot more..."


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