Sunday, April 30, 2006

You know your from South Louisiana when......

- The crawfish mounds in your front yard have over taken the grass.

- You greet people with "Howzyamomma'an'dem?" and hear back "Dey fine!"

- Every so often, you have waterfront property.

- When giving directions you use words like "uptown," "downtown," "backatown," "riverside," "lakeside," "other side of the bayou" or "other side of the levee."

- When you refer to a geographical location "way up North," you are referring to places like Shreveport, Little Rock or Memphis, "where it gets real cold."

- You can pronounce Tchoupitoulas but can't spell it.

- You don't worry when you see ships riding higher in the river than the top of your house.

- You judge a po-boy by the number of napkins used.

- You can eat Popeye's, Haydel's and Zapp's for lunch and wash it down with Barq's and several Abitas, without losing it all on your stoop.

- The four seasons in your year are: crawfish, shrimp, crab, and King Cake.

- You don't learn until high school that Mardi Gras is not a national holiday.

- Your last name isn't pronounced the way it's spelled.

- You know what a nutria rat is but you still pick it to represent your baseball team.

- You have spent a summer afternoon on the Lake Pontchartrain seawall catching blue crabs.

-You describe a color as "K & B Purple."

- You like your rice and politics dirty.

- You pronounce the largest city in the state as "Nawlins."

- You know those big roaches can fly, but you're able to sleep at night anyway.

- You assume everyone has mosquito swarms in their backyard.

- You realize the rainforest is less humid than Louisiana.

- When out of town, you stop and ask someone where there is a drive-through Daiquiri place, and they look at you like you have three heads.

- Your burial plot is six feet over rather than six feet under.

- You push little old ladies out of the way to catch Mardi Gras throws.

- You have a parade ladder in your shed.

- Your first sentence was "Throw me something mistah" and your first drink was from a go-cup.

- You get on a bus marked "Cemeteries" and don't think twice.

- Your sunglasses fog up when you step outside.

- No matter where else you go in the world, you are always disappointed in the food.

- You get up in the morning and start cooking a pot of rice before you give any thought to what you'll fix for dinner.

- You ask, "How dey running?" and "Are dey fat?" when you're inquiring about seafood quality.

- When it starts to rain, you cover your beer instead of your head.

- You call tomato sauce "red gravy."

- You eat sno-balls instead of throwing them.

- Your house payment is less than your air conditioning bill.

- Your grandparents are called "Maw Maw" and "Paw Paw."

- You fall asleep to the soothing sounds of four box fans.

God I hope New Orleans can come back...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

So now that I've had my fun just throwing lead downrange with my SKS, I'm ready to try and maximize it's accuracy.

I'm really curious as to how accurate I can get this little booger. I've read that, on average, the SKS can achieve 2" - 4" groups at 100 yards with iron sights. Figuring that I shoot at a 10" gong at 100 yards, 2" - 4" groups is close enough for rock and roll. I've tried to adjust the iron sights, and I've got it tighter, but still way off. So I've got a new plan of attack:

First thing I need to do is start feeding her better ammo. But I tell ya', it's gonna be hard giving up the cheap stuff...

Second thing will be to get a scope mount. I mainly want to be able to use it figure out where I'm hitting. I know I could use a spotting scope, but I can get a kit with a scope, scope mount, some sort of amber doo-hickey, 10 stripper clips, a gas port cleaning tool, and a SKS manual for about $50 (after shipping).

If all of that fails, I'm going to get a new stock. I'd like to keep this rifle all original, but I'd like to have a slightly modified yet pretty accurate rifle more than I'd like to have an all original 59/66 that shoots like shit. The price we pay...

Anyway, tune in later for the next exciting installment of the "What Marx Does to His SKS" show. Hopefully the next installment will be really soon, but I need to buy all the parts and in order to do that I need to do some more website work. It's like that old commercial about cocaine, but with ammo and gun parts...

"I shoot so I can handle the stress of more work, so I can do more work, so I can shoot more so I can handle the stress of more work, so I can do more work, so I can shoot more..."

Friday, April 28, 2006

Without due respect - Sen. Lieberman, go fuck yourself.

Not that I totally disagree with what those two shitholes came up with in their "investigation" into the government response to Katrina, it's just that it pisses me off that two Yankees think they can come along and pass judgment on what went on down here.

I'm not a Nagin-Lover, but I do think that the man did the best he could in that position. I couldn't have done any better. It's really easy to come along and say "He should'a done this before the storm, he should'a done that..." but when it comes down to it, pre-planning for a hurricane that may or may not come wasn't as important as fighting the corruption in city government and trying to do something about the enormous murder rate. Hindsight is always 20/20. There are things he could have done differently directly before the storm. He could have stocked the Superdome with more supplies. He could have tried a little harder to bus people out.

But there are problems with that.

The supplies in the Superdome were sufficient for what usually goes on during a hurricane down here - they were in place to last two or three days. That's how long we usually have to be evacuated. No one expected the levees to break to the extent they did in the city of New Orleans. And as for busing people out, most of the people stayed as a choice, not because they had no way out. Granted, there were people who had no choice but to stay. Mainly the elderly and infirm. Those are the people I feel for most out of all of this. Able-bodied people stayed because they didn't want to leave their houses and some stayed for the purpose of looting. So even if Nagin got all the buses in the city to go around picking people up, I doubt he would have filled them up. It's an attitude down here. It's the "you can't make me". They bought their tickets, they took their chances. I'm not trying to sound cold, I'm just laying out some facts.

No one ever seems to mention that Nagin was the first mayor ever to call a mandatory evacuation for the City of New Orleans. Ever. He also got the most people ever (%60) to evacuate. Ever. If the levee's would not have broken, we would right now all be bitching about the normal stuff (The Trinity - the Saints, the heat, and gas prices). Nagin would've gone down in history as one of the greatest mayors in this city's history.

Not too many people seem to want to blame the people who were really responsible for the levee problems - the Morial family and all of the past mayors that have swindled the City of New Orleans out of it's future by stealing and squandering the money that was supposed to be used to upkeep our levees. They're the scumbags who really fucked us.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Roses are red, and ready for plucking;
Now you're 16, and ready for high school.

God bless you Mr Vonnigut!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Range report time.

Today we shot the normal stuff in new ways and with afew excptions.

We've taken to skipping the pistol range totally and just shooting our handguns on the pistol range. It's been fun. I actually can hit a 10" gong at 100 yards with my Makarov. Albeit not as often as I can with the model 29 (which can blow your head clean off - I love saying that), but I can do it. I've gotten a brass catcher so I can save all my Mak brass so I can reload it. I'm just starting to reload, 9x18's as good a place as any. I'm hoping to get a target revolver really soon. Something with a 6"-8" barrel in .38/.357. Then I'll not need that brass catcher to get all my brass.

Anyway, somehow the grip screw on my Mak has stripped out and won't stay in. So I switched back to the "commie" grips. I really don't know why I switched them out in the first place.

So today at the range they had this guy out there with this big mo-fro:

It's a Barrett's .50 BMG. It should be BMF for "Big Mother Fucker". That shit was huge! It weighed about 40 pounds and was almost as long as one of the bench rests on the rifle range. The concussion from this thing was so fierce, we were standing about 15'-20' away and when he'd shoot, it'd make the hairs on my arm move as if I'd been passed by a truck while walking on the highway. That's some serious shit.

Anyway, the one he had was the military version and he'd been on a waiting list for 15 years. He said it cost him $10,000. I just want to say that again, cost him $10,000! Jesus.

For those who don't know/aren't familiar with the .50 BMG, here's a visual. He gave me a spent case and I'll put it here for comparison with a spent 7.62x39 case. Now the 7.62x39 (again, for those who don't know/aren't familiar) is perhaps the most common millitary round on the planet. It's used in the SKS and the Ak-47, just to name afew. It's considered a "medium" power cartridge, but keep in mind that many-a wars were fought and won with this "medium powered" bullet. For reference, the length of a 7.62x39 case is 1 1/2" on the nose.

Now that's fucking big!

The other highlight of the day was that I ran into my Uncle John (Married to my Father's Sister, June), whom I haven't seen in about 15 years. Also turns out that he works with the D-Day museum in New Orleans doing demontrations and displays and such. He also had this with him:

Again, for those who don't know/aren't familiar, this is a millitary issue - full auto - Thompson Sub-Machinegun. I just want to say that again - FULL AUTO! That some serious fucking ordanance.

And I got to shoot it.

Thanks I have to have one!

Nothin' says lovin' like 20 rounds of .45acp!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

4 jobs I have had in my life:
* Tech Support
* Book bitch
* BBQ resturant bitch
* Web designer

4 movies I could watch over and over:
* Repo Man
* Jackie Brown
* El Mariachi
* O'Brother, Where Art Thou

4 Websites I visit regularly:
* Myspace
* The Firing Line
* Midway
* Internet Movie Database

4 of my favorite foods:
* Brownies
* Shrimp
* Heavenly Hash
* Meat

4 Most wonderful places I have been:
* Louisiana
* Sunrise on a Greyhound bus somewhere in middle Kentucky
* Swimming in the Gulf of Mexico oof the Florida coast
* Sun Studios in Memphis, Tennesee

4 songs I could listen to everyday:
* Gardenia (Kyuss)
* Spanish Bombs (The Clash)
* She's Gone (NOFX)
* Thirteen (Johnny Cash)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Post a pic of your carry gun? I'll play.

I love my Mak.

So what? It's not the most powerful handgun in the world (which could blow your head clean off) but I shoot damn good with it. Bad men beware.

Check out Xavier's carry piece. He started it.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 82%!

Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.

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Link: The Zombie Scenario Survivor Test written by ci8db4uok on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test
One Step Ahead
You are 83% likely to survive the end of the world.

You're alive, with minimal effects from whatever disaster struck. You're in good health, with moderate supplies, have a plan, and maybe a few other survivors with you to help out with manual labor. Congrats, you're gonna do just fine when all hell breaks loose.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 82% on sp
Link: The Apocalypse Survival Test written by ci8db4uok on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test